We have been working on some fun Dr. Seuss themed activities this week. We started out the week by creating Cat in the Hat from paper plates. Then we added rhyming words to the hats. Super cute!
We also made these adorable Thing 1 and Thing 2 handprints inspired from Mel D. Check out her blog
{here}. She also has a really cute Lorax activity on her blog for free!
We have been working on using powerful verbs to spice up our writing. I taught the students to write a 3 action sentence to go with the Thing 1 and Thing 2 project. What is a 3 action sentence you ask? It is a sentence that follows this pattern: noun, action phrase, action phrase, and action phrase. For example, Mrs. Sousa hopped out of bed, gulped down her coffee, and drove to work. I teach them these in isolation first and then, hopefully, they will include them in their every day story writing to vary sentence structure.
I created a rough draft framed writing to help the students with their 3 action pattern sentences. Click the image to download a copy.

Thing 1 came to my bedroom. He jumped on my bed, spilled water on the floor, and broke my fan. What a mess!

Thing 1 came to my kitchen. He destroyed the glass, threw all my pans out, and jumped on my table. He is a little rascal.

Thing 2 came to my backyard. She yanked my dog's tail, made all the palm trees collapse, and leaped on my glass table. She was a little mean devil.